Riot reveals extensive balance changes for League of Legends' Patch 13.4

    League of Legends will undergo extensive changes to its current meta, with Patch 13.4 impacting a large number of champions and game systems.

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    Top lane champions due for change include Cho'Gath, Malphite and Riven.

    Cho'Gath will see a reduction in cost to its Q, while also doing more damage at higher ranks. W will also cost less mana, while armour increases have been buffed.

    Malphite's buffs are all focused on his W, but the most significant of the toplaner buffs are aimed at Riven.

    Riven's passive will scale with more damage over time and can now be activated on turrets.

    In the jungle, Viego is the only champion set for buffs. The buffs are aimed solely on making his crit build stronger.

    A wide array of other nerfs and buffs are included in Patch 13.4, which is expected to go live on February 23, including buffs to support items and an adjustment to the melee support vs range matchup.
