LEC Winter Split plagued by technical issues

    The League of Legends European Championship (LEC) has endured a 2023 Winter Split full of issues and delays so far.

    LEC has endured issues at their Winter Split LEC has endured issues at their Winter Split

    The 2023 LEC Winter Split kicked off over the weekend, but the event was full of unexpected delays and pauses as participating teams struggled with technical issues.

    The event's commissioner Artem Bukov has explained that the issues did not appear during the event's rehearsals and that temporary fixes are in place.

    "The delays over the past days are caused by an issue in firmware that is commonly used by our pros. The issue didn't appear during the rehearsals," Bykov revealed via Twitter.

    "We are using temporary measures for now, during the week will be working on a permanent solution. Ty for the patience!"
