League of Legends: Vitality will enter their first all-women team for tournaments

    Vitality have officially entered the League of Legends women’s scene, incorporating a new roster.

    League of Legends trophy Image credit: PA Images League of Legends trophy

    DotEsports reports that Vitality's academy project, French Bees, will be slowly integrated into the professional environment and populate all six esports teams Vitality has under its umbrella.

    The five ladies are set to compete in several tournaments in France in 2023. Vitality president and co-founder Fabien "Neo" Devide was very proud of the achievement.

    "We are very proud to present our first all-women team within Vitality," he said.

    "Through this new academy project, we remain faithful to our strategy of identifying, developing, and promoting talent. We hope that this team will go as far as possible in the competition and help pave the way for the further development of women's esports in France."

    French Bees roster:

    Velouria "Viki" Bati: 25 years old, AD carry and in-game leader (Master)
    Emeline "Kasane" Baudouin: 24 years old, support (Master)
    Alyssa "saï" Lenoir: 18 years old, mid laner (Diamond II)
    Lexa "Lexa" Grellier: 21 years old, jungle (Master)
    Coline “Chubby Daddy” Reiter: 24 years old, top laner (Diamond I)