Former NRG Apex Legends IGL Sweet joins Luminosity

    After weeks of speculation, ALGS fans now have confirmation on Sweet's destination with the news that Luminosity Gaming has enlisted the former NRG Apex Legends IGL for the 2024 season.

    Sweet Sweet

    Sweet, alongside teammates Slayr and Nicholas "Fuhhnq" Wall, announced the move today. To secure NRG's position in the North American Pro League, former teammate Nathan "Nafen" Nguyen will serve as a substitute.

    Sweet credited LG's player-first mentality on his stream as a key factor in his decision. While the contract was signed a while ago, the delayed announcement fueled speculation of a prolonged bidding war or negotiations between organizations. For LG, choosing Sweet was an obvious move after parting ways with their former successful squad.

    Known as one of the world's best players and IGLs, Sweet's stint with NRG saw frequent challenges against TSM for the title of North America's top team. Despite a strong start last year, NRG's performance dipped in the final two events, prompting a reset with the team leaving the scene entirely, and Gild departing for Moist Esports.

    Luminosity Gaming, now featuring Sweet, is set to make waves in the upcoming ALGS Pro League starting on January 21.