6 Esports trends to look out for in 2022

    Being a young and upcoming industry, esports has seen large shifts year over year. Following are the Six Esports trends to look out for in 2022


    Esports trends Esports trends

    Esports players turned influencers

    Like any other sports or art field, the big artists and players have turned into social media influencers. They tend to share their gaming tricks, promote gaming gear and stream themselves playing on various streaming platforms. Soon as the sport gains popularity, many popular players are expected to also turn into social media influencers, gaining huge popularity on social media platforms. 

    Esports for smartphones

    While most gaming enthusiasts prefer playing on heavy systems, recently gaming has become accessible on smartphones as well. Smartphone companies are working diligently towards making eSports more accessible on the new smartphones. The recent trends show that more games that are supported on a smartphone are to be released and more smartphones that can support heavy gaming are to be introduced. 

    New multiplayer games on eSports pattern

    So far new games are not primarily focused on the multiplayer pattern given the low popularity of eSports. However, as the popularity is increasing manifolds, the game developers are also expected to develop games that primarily focus on the multiplayer pattern of eSports. eSports normally require coordination, a tactical, and a squad-based approach. A shift is expected from single-player games to multi-player eSports-based games. 

    ESports Betting

    Unlike other games, betting is not that common in eSports yet. Betting in eSports will require that level of expertise and knowledge of the game that is lacking currently. The recent trends show that it is highly likely for the field of eSports to also develop betting trends like other popular sports. 

    Responsible Gaming

    Just like gambling, gaming is also prone to making people addicted to the sport. Many countries have become vigilant of the issue and are taking actions towards it. China recently made it illegal for minor kids to spend more than 3 hours on esports a week. Though it is hard to understand why while kids are encouraged to practice other sports for more than 10 hours a day, playing eSports is considered an addiction. 

    Physical eSports events

    Many countries still don't hold physical events with live audiences for eSports. eSports is limited to the online world and sounds unlikely for many countries to hold live events. This trend is soon going to change though. With the increasing popularity of eSports, it is expected that many countries will soon start holding physical eSports events in stadiums. The recent partnership between the Indian eSports federation and INOX shows that the first step in this direction has already been taken. 
